CADWorx 2004 not only offers process industry designers
the ability to take advantage of the groundbreaking enhancements
in AutoCAD 2004, but also provides many new features compared to
the current version, CADWorx 2002
CADWorx is COADE's integrated series of CAD software for plant
design and automation.
An AutoCAD-based program, CADWorx is the next generation software
solution providing intelligent drawing/database connectivity, advanced
levels of automation, easy-to-use drafting tools, and the industry's
first intelligent link between CAD and stress analysis.
It increases accuracy and improves the quality of deliverables
for both designers and engineers. CADWorx modules include PIPE,
P&ID, Steel, LOOPs, ISOGEN, Sanitary, and Ductile Iron. Integrated
Walkthrough and Clash Detection are provided by NavisWorks.
CADWorx/PIPE provides the most efficient tool available today for
generating piping drawings.
CADWorx/PIPE can provide orthographic, isometric, and 3D models.
CADWorx P&ID is a powerful, easy-to-use program for creating
comprehensive Process & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID)
for plant design.
As an AutoCAD-based program, it uses the latest object technologies
from Autodesk (ObjectARX). CADWorx P&ID provides fully automated
drafting and editing techniques that save time and ensure consistency
and accuracy within drawings.
CADWorx 2004
CADWorx 2004 not only offers process industry designers the ability
to take advantage of the groundbreaking enhancements in AutoCAD
2004, but also provides many new features compared to the current
version, CADWorx 2002.
By leveraging Autodesk's investment in the next release of AutoCAD,
COADE's new version of CADWorx greatly increases the size of plant
models that teams of designers can work on simultaneously, while
making it much easier to learn and use the program, even for beginners.
These dramatic improvements in both performance and functionality
are made possible by significant file size reduction, faster load
and save times, enhanced management of external references (XREFs),
and user interface refinements such as the new tool palette system.
In addition to offering compatibility with AutoCAD 2004, CADWorx
2004 offers many other new features. The CADWorx PIPE 2004 module
provides improved integrated steel capabilities, integrated HVAC/cable
tray components, automatic weld gaps, and layering by line number.
New capabilities in CADWorx P&ID 2004 include enhanced copy
procedures, an auto repeat feature, and a dropdown list for instant
data entry.
Thomas Van Laan, president of COADE, believes that the improvements
offered in AutoCAD 2004 are exactly those for which the plant design
industry has been hoping. Says Van Laan, “Our customers are
always concerned with three things – speed, size, and how
to manage them – so we think our customers will love this
new version of AutoCAD. We’ve found that a 22-megabyte project
created under CADWorx 2002 drops to less than 6 megabytes under
CADWorx 2004, a dramatic 70 per cent + reduction in project file
“CADWorx has always taken maximum advantage of AutoCAD’s
XREF capabilities to the hilt. The new XREF management features,
including improved load speed and change notification, are perfect
complements to the way that our customers manage large projects,”
he said.
John Sanders, Vice President Platform Technology Division for Autodesk,
agrees that COADE has done a great job leveraging the best features
of AutoCAD 2004. Sanders says, “We are very pleased that COADE
was able to develop a 2004-compatible version of CADWorx so quickly.
"Autodesk has been working very closely with COADE to determine
what AutoCAD enhancements that would be most valued by the plant
design community.
"We’re impressed by how they have leveraged the strengths
of AutoCAD 2004 - speed, teamwork and management - and translated
these strengths into productivity improvements for process plant
designers. CADWorx 2004 is a great tool for anyone involved in the
design of process plants.”
CADWorx offers intelligent drawing to database connectivity, advanced
levels of automation and easy-to-use design techniques. Because
of these distinct advantages, it has been rapidly adopted by EPC
firms and owner operators in the process, power, water treatment,
pharmaceutical, food, beverage and semiconductor industries.
CADWorx also offers the industry's first and only true bi-directional
integration between CAD and stress analysis, linking CADWorx with
COADE's industry-leading software programs for pipe (CAESAR II)
and pressure vessel (PVElite) analysis and design.