Statoil among environment leaders
Posted: 09 January 2004
An extensive survey of the world's oil and gas companies puts
Statoil among the global leaders in producing petroleum as cleanly
as possible.
Emissions of carbon dioxide from the group's production operations
are only a third of the average level for the industry.
While the petroleum sector averages about 115 kilograms of the
greenhouse gas per tonne of oil and gas it produces, the figure
for Statoil is 38 kilograms.
That puts the group in third place among the companies covered
by the survey, which was carried out by the International Association
of Oil and Gas Producers.
Statoil also comes high up the list for the smallest possible emissions
of methane and sulphur, occupying second place on a global basis.
A strong commitment to new technology is one of the main reasons
why Statoil is among the leaders for environmentally-efficient production,
says environmental vice president Eli Aamot.
"As the world's largest offshore oil and gas producer, we've
invested billions of kroner in modern technology on our fields.
That has a positive impact on our emissions."
She notes that the group places great emphasis on doing an environmentally
acceptable job throughout the producing life of a field to ensure
that emissions are minimised.
For more information see

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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