Oil Refining and Petrochemicals in the Middle East conference
Posted: 15 January 2004
25-27 January 2004, JW Marriott, Dubai, UAE
The region's unparalleled production cost advantage and the willingness
of its governments to diversify their oil-based economies have fostered
exponential growth of an industry that may forever change the global
face of refining and petrochemicals.
Following the previous years’ success, the World Refining
Association will once again bring into the region international
government representatives, oil majors, specialist advisers, industry
analysts and consultants to debate critical issues including capacity
concerns, innovations in technology, alternative fuels and future
developments in refining and petrochemicals.
Once again the distinguished speaker panel includes senior representatives
Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company, Emirates National Oil Company,
Associated Octel, Banagas, Egyptian General Petrochemicals Corporation,
Kuwait National Petroleum Company, Saudi Aramco, Saudi European
Petrochemical Company and many, many more.
The Middle Eastern industry has grown from being insignificant
20 years ago to being home to about 10 per cent of global ethylene
capacity today.
For Europe and the U.S., the region is both a threat and opportunity,
gobbling up the export market on the one hand and presenting a profitable
place to invest on the other.
Oil Refining and Petrochemicals in the Middle East, will once again
provide attendees with a series of cutting edge presentations, up-to-the-minute
status reports and forward looking debates.
For further information see www.wraconferences.com/conferencecalendar.htm

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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