Statoil issues letter of intent to Cal Dive's well ops group
Posted: 02 February 2004
Cal Dive International, Inc announced that its subsidiary, Well
Ops (UK) Ltd. has received a letter of intent from Statoil to perform
a well intervention program on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS)
during the coming summer.
The planned light well intervention campaign using the MSV Seawell
is to be pursued on the Statfjord East, Tordis/Vigdis and Gullfaks
South fields in the North Sea and Asgard in the Norwegian Sea. The
Seawell has been deployed for Statoil on the NCS in prior years,
having worked on its Heidrun field in the Norwegian Sea and the
Tommeliten development in the North Sea.
Light well intervention involves workovers in which the wireline
is run directly into a subsea well without a riser, something required
when such activities are carried out from a drilling rig. Performing
this program from a vessel is a simpler process and more cost effective
than the traditional rig based solution.
Bill Morrice, General Manager of Well Ops (UK) Ltd., said, "We
are honored that Statoil has chosen the Seawell for this important
well intervention campaign. Competitive advantages of a purpose
built vessel like the Seawell include her ability to mobilize quickly
and maximize productive time by completing a broad range of intervention
tasks. The Seawell has conducted intervention operations on over
450 North Sea wells to date and we are particularly proud of a safety
record in which there were no recordable incidents on the vessel
during all of 2003."
Mr. Morrice continued, "Negotiations are underway with Statoil
to put a contract in place and to identify the anticipated timing.
This scope of work in the Norwegian sector will then provide a framework
from which a backlog of projects can be built in the UK sector of
the North Sea."
Cal Dive International, Inc., headquartered in Houston, Texas,
is an energy service company specializing in well operations and
subsea construction. CDI operates a fleet of technically advanced
marine construction vessels and robotics worldwide and conducts
salvage operations in the Gulf of Mexico. Energy Resource Technology,
Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary, acquires and operates mature and
non-core offshore oil and gas properties.
For more information see

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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