Pressure transmitter market stable but changing
Posted: 03 February 2004
While overall market size is not changing dramatically, important
changes are occurring in the worldwide pressure transmitter market.
This is one finding in a new market study from Flow Research called
The World Market for Pressure Transmitters. Worldwide sales of pressure
transmitters totaled $1160 million in 2002. Revenues are projected
to grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 0.8 percent through
2007, when they are expected to reach $1204.3 million.
While market size remains relatively stable, important changes
are occurring within the market. More suppliers are offering high-tier
products, as end-users respond to the promise of greater reliability.
High-tier pressure transmitters offer high accuracy and greater
stability than their medium-tier and low-tier counterparts. Multivariable
pressure transmitters are having a significant impact on the market,
and several new suppliers have recently entered this market. Multivariable
transmitters measure more than one process variable, usually pressure
and temperature. Some multivariable transmitters are also integrated
with primary elements to form multivariable flowmeters.
Market consolidation among suppliers has continued within the pressure
transmitter market, and has resulted in fewer total suppliers. This
has led some suppliers to consolidate their product lines, in order
to gain manufacturing efficiencies. At the same time, suppliers
continue to bring out innovative products that break through existing
performance barriers. Besides higher accuracy and stability, other
advanced features include enhanced diagnostics and a wider choice
of communication protocols.
While differential pressure transmitters remain under pressure
from other flow technologies, growth is expected in gage and absolute
transmitters, as end-users upgrade from pressure switches, gages,
and transducers. Growth is also expected in level transmitters.
The most rapid market growth is occurring in China, and in developing
countries where more process plants are being built.
These countries are investing in chemical, power, and water treatment
plants to meet the demands of a growing population that also wants
an improved standard of living.
Flow Research, Inc
Flow Research is a market research company that specializes in providing
market data and strategies on flow, pressure, and temperature.
Dr. Jesse Yoder, who has 17 years’ experience as a writer
and analyst in process control, founded Flow Research in 1998. The
company recently completed a series of ten market studies on the
worldwide flowmeter market.
Another service provided by Flow Research is the Worldflow Monitoring
Service. This Worldflow service includes monthly reports on the
flow and process industries.
These reports include the Worldflow Barometer, Worldflow Monitor,
and Worldflow Perspective.
The service is designed to provide up-to-date information between
market studies. Flow Research can provide charts and graphics from
The World Market for Pressure Transmitters upon request.
Fpr more information see

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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