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ExxonMobil confirms approval of Kashagan development plan

Posted: 26 February 2004

Exxon Mobil Corporation confirmed Kazmunaygaz (KMG), the petroleum authority for the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the Consortium companies of the North Caspian Production Sharing Agreement, ExxonMobil Kazakhstan Inc.(16.67 per cent), Agip Caspian Sea B.V (16.67 per cent), British Gas (16.67 per cent), Shell Kazakhstan Development BV (16.67 per cent), Total (16.67 percent), ConocoPhillips (8.33 per cent) and Inpex (8.33 per cent) have announced approval of the development plan for the world-class Kashagan oil field.

Production startup of the Kashagan field is expected in 2008 with an initial output of 75,000 barrels of oil per day, ramping up to 450,000 barrels of oil per day. Further development phases will raise the full field production to its plateau level currently estimated at 1.2 million barrels of oil per day. The capital investment for full field development is currently estimated at about $30 billion, with projected ultimate production of up to 13 billion barrels of oil.

"The approval of the Kashagan development plan by KMG and the consortium companies is a significant milestone that allows all parties to cooperatively move this project forward," said Rex Tillerson, senior vice president of Exxon Mobil Corporation.

Approval of the plan was critical, given the size of the partners' investment to develop the giant Kashagan oil field, one of the largest discoveries in the past 30 years. The plan addresses the field's relative remoteness, lack of established infrastructure and unique technical challenges.

This huge endeavor will positively impact Kazakhstan nationally and locally through tax and royalty revenues, both direct and indirect employment and contractor opportunities for Kazakh companies and individuals, local infrastructure development and community assistance programs.

ExxonMobil subsidiaries' interests in Kazakhstan also include a 25 per cent interest in the giant Tengiz oil field, 7.5 per cent interest in the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) pipeline, fuels marketing in Almaty and automotive and industrial lubricants through a nationwide distribution network.

For more information see

Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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