:: Company News

  :: 2003  



SPC buys BP’s stake in SRC to capitalise on energy demand

Posted: 1 March 2004

The Board of Directors of Singapore Petroleum Company Limited (“SPC” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce that the Company through a wholly owned subsidiary has entered into a conditional Sale and Purchase Agreement with BP Singapore Pte. Limited (“BPS”), a wholly owned subsidiary of UK-based British Petroleum p.l.c (“BP”), for the acquisition of BPS’ Singapore refining interests.

The acquisition involves the purchase of BPS’ one-third equity interest in Singapore Refining Company Private Limited (“SRC”); BPS’ interest in the SRC joint venture and related refining assets in SRC; and BPS’ one-sixth equity interest in Tanker Mooring Services Company Pte Ltd (“TMS”), collectively referred to as the “Assets”.

SPC will also acquire all of BPS’ interests in crude and product inventories at SRC at agreed market related prices, on completion of the transaction.

The aggregate cash consideration for the Assets is approximately
US$140 million payable on completion. The consideration was arrived at on a willing buyer-willing seller basis, taking into account the net present value of the incremental net cash flows arising from the Assets and the unaudited book net tangible asset values of BPS’ interest in SRC and TMS.

SPC intends to fund the acquisition through internal resources and bank borrowings.

Conditions & Completion
Completion of the acquisition is conditional upon, inter alia, the approvals of regulators and the shareholders of SPC and SRC, if required.

The acquisition is expected to complete by 30 June 2004.

Rationale for Investment
The acquisition would essentially double SPC’s refining capacity and strengthen its position as a leading supplier of quality petroleum products in the Asia Pacific region.

Demand for petroleum products in the Asia Pacific region is expected to increase in line with the region’s robust economic growth projected for the next few years. In particular, demand for petroleum products for use as transportation fuels, power generation fuels and as petrochemical feedstocks is anticipated to surpass the rest of the world. China, India and Indo-China, for instance, are forecast to register GDP growth in excess of six (6) per cent. Oil consumption in ASEAN will similarly increase as these economies continue to expand.

On the other hand, expansion and growth in refining capacity in the region in recent years has been limited. There has been no new green-field refinery added due to prohibitive construction cost and the Asian financial crisis. Due to the long gestation for new capacity, it is envisaged that no additional capacity will come onstream for the next few years. Furthermore, recent shutdown of refineries in the Philippines, Australia and Japan has reduced the effective refining capacity.

The anticipated robust demand for petroleum products and constraints on expansion and growth in refining capacity are expected to sustain regional refining margins at a healthy level for the next few years. The doubling of SPC’s refining capacity will enable it to capitalise on the growth in demand for petroleum products and healthy refining margins.

Commenting on the acquisition, Mr Choo Chiau Beng, SPC’s Chairman, said, “This acquisition is a logical step for SPC to consolidate its assets base, strengthen its earnings capability and add to shareholders’ value. With healthier refining margins, this acquisition is expected to enhance SPC’s earnings.”

Financial Effects of the Acquisition
The proforma net profit before tax attributable to the Assets acquired would amount to S$26.1 million and would increase the unaudited earnings per SPC share from 13.92 cents to 19.06 cents for the year ended 31 December 2003, assuming that the transaction had been effected at the beginning of the year.

The transaction will not have any material impact on the unaudited net tangible asset per SPC share as at 31 December 2003, assuming that the transaction had been effected on 31 December 2003.

None of the directors of SPC or its (so far as SPC is aware) controlling shareholders has any interest, whether direct or indirect, in the acquisition.

Background Information
SPC is an associated company of Keppel Oil & Gas Services Pte Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Keppel Corporation Limited.

BPS is a company incorporated in Singapore and is a wholly owned subsidiary of BP.

SRC is a company incorporated in Singapore and is the operating company for an oil refinery situated on Jurong Island with a nameplate capacity of 285,000 barrels per day. SRC’s shareholders are SPC, BPS, Caltex Trading Private Limited and Caltex Singapore Private Limited.

TMS is a company incorporated in Singapore and currently provides fixed berth jetty services to the shareholders of SRC for the discharge of crude oil into the refinery. PSA Marine Private Limited holds 50 per cent of the shares in the capital of TMS. The remaining 50 per cent is held in equal proportions amongst SPC, BPS and Caltex Singapore Private Limited.

For more information see

Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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