Chairman steps down
Posted: 4 March 2004
Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and The “Shell” Transport
and Trading Company, p.l.c., announced today a series of management
changes with immediate effect.
Sir Philip Watts has stepped down as Chairman of the Board of The
“Shell” Transport and Trading Company, p.l.c., and as
Managing Director, by mutual consent. Mr Jeroen van der Veer, the
President of Royal Dutch Petroleum, will succeed him as Chairman
of the Committee of Managing Directors.
Lord Oxburgh has been appointed interim non-executive chairman
of The Shell Transport and Trading Company, p.l.c. Mr Malcolm Brinded
has been appointed a Director and Managing Director of the Company
and will serve as Vice Chairman of the Committee of Managing Directors.
Mr Brinded will step down from the Board of Management of Royal
Dutch Petroleum Company and offer himself for election by shareholders
of The “Shell” Transport and Trading Company, p.l.c.,
at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.
Mr Walter van de Vijver has stepped down from the Board of Management
of Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and as a Group Managing Director,
by mutual consent. Mr van de Vijver’s duties as Chief Executive
of Shell’s Exploration and Production business will be assumed
by Mr Brinded, in addition to his current responsibilities for the
Gas and Power business.
Mr Rob Routs, currently a member of the Board of Management of
Royal Dutch Petroleum Company, will assume Mr van der Veer’s
responsibility for the Chemicals business in addition to his current
responsibilities for the Oil Products business. Ms Judith Boynton
will continue as a Managing Director of the “Shell”
Transport and Trading Company, p.l.c., and as Chief Financial Officer.
For more information see

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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