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Santos to acquire Novus’ Indonesian and Cooper Basin Assets from Crosby/Williams

Posted: 6 March 2004

Santos Limited entered into an agreement with Sunov Petroleum Pty Ltd (the Crosby Capital Partners/Dr Bob Williams bid vehicle) (Sunov) to acquire Novus Petroleum’s (Novus) Indonesian and Cooper Basin assets. The agreement is conditional on Sunov’s offer for Novus being successful.

Santos’ Agreement with Sunov
Santos has agreed to enter into Procurement, and Sale and Purchase Agreements, to acquire Novus’ 25% interest in the Kakap PSC, Novus’ 50% interest in the Brantas PSC, both in Indonesia, and Novus’ interests in the Cooper Basin for a total cash consideration, of US$192 million, adjusted for an effective date of 1 January 2004, plus contingent consideration linked to reserves upside in the Wunut field, which is capped at US$10 million.

John Ellice-Flint Comments
Santos’ Managing Director, Mr John Ellice-Flint, said the agreement to acquire Novus’ Indonesian and Cooper Basin assets represented a continuation of Santos’ strategy to grow its Indonesian and Australian gas businesses. Mr Ellice-Flint said the acquisition, if it proceeds, would be both earnings and cash-flow accretive to Santos.

“This transaction is one of many asset acquisition opportunities that are
regularly brought to us to consider in the course of our business,” he said.

“If Sunov is successful, it will enable us to supplement our portfolio with those parts of the Novus portfolio that suit our objectives and do so in a cooperative manner.”

Santos is a major Australian oil and gas exploration and production company with interests in all Australian hydrocarbon provinces. The Santos group also operates in the USA, Indonesia and PNG.

For more information see

Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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