Device Tool selected as one of ten key technology trends in automation
for 2004
Posted: 13 March 2004
ARC Advisory Group identifies FDT as one of ten trends
and technologies that will have a direct impact on automation and
provide a path to operational excellence
In a recent ARC INSIGHTS report, the ARC Advisory Group (Dedham,
Massachusetts, USA) selected Field Device Tool (FDT) as one of the
ten key technology trends in automation for 2004. According to ARC,
each of these trends has a concrete value proposition for automation
In the section of the January 28, 2004 report entitled, “FDT
Builds Momentum in Process, Discrete Industries,” ARC analysts
state, “Since the emergence of the Field Device Tool (FDT)
initiative in 2000, the growing support from over 20 suppliers is
beginning to resemble a who’s who in the automation industry.
FDT is also expanding from its process roots into the discrete and
hybrid space, as discrete suppliers are joining the FDT Joint Interest
Group (JIG). Despite the evolving nature of the yet to be finalized
standard, both suppliers and manufacturers have forged ahead developing
and adapting new interface drivers and visualization/configuration
tools for virtually every class of field device. Look for FDT in
2004 to tackle problems such as revision control issues. Manufacturers
are recognizing the value of standardized uniform access to data
from field devices for asset management and other data intensive
initiatives using the FDT approach.”
FDT Joint Interest Group comments
“We’re flattered and encouraged that an independent
and knowledgeable source such as the ARC Advisory Group has selected
FDT as a leading technology,” said Nick Zucchero, director
of systems technology at Invensys, speaking on behalf of the FDT
Joint Interest Group Steering Committee. “This helps to validate
our own efforts and should also provide encouragement for the many
end-users who have already adopted or are in the process of adopting
FDT/DTM technology in their plants and factories as a means of obtaining
maximum benefit from their HART, PROFIBUS, FOUNDATION fieldbus,
and/or other fieldbus devices.”
“This recognition by the ARC Advisory Group, combined with
the increasing acceptance of the technology in the industrial automation
marketplace by users and vendors alike, should go a long way toward
alleviating user concerns generated by a recent news release issued
by a major automation vendor,” Zucchero continued. “The
news release announced that this vendor intends to collaborate with
standards groups to expand current structured text-based Device
Description Language (DDL) technology, which they feel will be a
better alternative than FDT/DTM.
“The fact of the matter is that while some functional overlap
certainly exists between DDL and FDT/DTM, the two technologies are
largely complementary. FDT does not replace DDL technology. Instead,
it allows device manufacturers to easily convert their existing
device descriptions into basic DTMs, which can then be enhanced
with sophisticated device visualization and other capabilities.
These device DTMs can then be plugged into FDT frame applications
running on any vendors’ FDT-compliant host system. Furthermore,
while DDL only applies to field devices (such as transmitters and
valve positioners), FDT supports a much broader array of plant assets,
including motor drives and remote I/O subsystems. The bottom line
is that structured text-based DDL technology – even with the
proposed extensions – can not meet the full spectrum of user
requirements that FDT/DTM technology can deliver today.”
Other important facts that should further alleviate any
uncertainty about FDT/DTM technology include:
- FDT provides an open software interface approach that enables
users to take full advantage of the powerful capabilities of their
fieldbus devices regardless of instrument vendor, system vendor,
or specific fieldbus protocol, without the need for custom interfaces
- FDT offers proven support for both HART and PROFIBUS devices,
is currently rolling out support for FOUNDATION fieldbus devices,
and will soon offer support for DeviceNet
- FDT enables the creation of a common engineering and support
environment across all vendors’ products
- Software-based FDT/DTM technology (unlike structured text-based
DDL technology) provides device vendors with the capability needed
to create advanced engineering functions for even the most complex
field devices
- Straightforward approaches are being created to smoothly migrate
FDT/DTM interface software and applications from COM/DCOM to the
emerging .NET environment
- In conjunction with NAMUR, the FDT JIG has created and issued
a DTM Style Guide for device visualization that ensures a common
look and feel for all vendors’ DTMs, with the flexibility
for advanced visualization of features unique to each device
- FDT JIG is constructing a Test and Certification process under
which all DTMs must be certified for conformance with the specification.
Plans are also in place to implement procedures to test and certify
FDT frame applications
- Effective revision control is built into the FDT/DTM specification
to provide end users with an efficient means of managing the life
cycles of their field assets
- Plans are in place to submit the FDT/DTM specification to the
international standardization organizations (IEC, ISO) late in
“Rather than proceed with an ambitious effort designed to
provide possible future functionality that already exists today
with FDT/DTM, the FDT Joint Interest Group Steering Committee invites
all automation vendors to join and share their expertise with the
FDT Joint Interest Group for the good of both end users and vendors.
This would create a strong free market environment that encourages
innovation. The FDT initiative is clearly designed to enable the
entire industrial automation community – users and vendors
alike – to finally realize the full promise of fieldbus technology,”
Zucchero said.
About FDT Joint Interest Group
The not-for-profit FDT Joint Interest Group is a collaboration of
international automation companies that support the proliferation
of FDT/DTM technology. The group is open to all companies and organizations
that wish to participate. Current FDT Joint Interest Group Steering
Committee members include ABB, Endress+Hauser, Invensys (Foxboro),
Metso Automation, and Siemens. Other current FDT Joint Interest
Group companies include: AUMA Riester, Bartec, Ceag, CodeWrights,
Hilscher Gesellshaft, ICS, ifak system, Infoteam Software, K-H Automation
Projects, Krohne, Mesco Engineering, M&M Software, Moeller,
MTL, Omron Europe, Pepperl & Fuchs, Phoenix Contact, Rockwell
Automation, Sick, Smar, Softing, Stahl, Trebing & Himstedt,
Turck, Tyco Valves & Controls, Vega, and Woodhead.
The FDT Joint Interest Group has the support of the OPC Foundation,
Profibus Nutzeroorganisation e. V., PACTware Consortium, and ZVEI.
The mission of the FDT Joint Interest Group is to promote the acceptance
and usage of FDT technology in the global factory automation, process
automation, and hybrid manufacturing industries.
For more information see www.fdt-jig.org

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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