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International Gas Union session at LNG14

Posted: 18 March 2004

The LNG 14 Conference and Exhibition opens in Doha on the 21 March

These LNG Conferences, held every three years, are the biggest Events of their kind organised by the Gas Industry itself, and LNG 14 experiences right now a record high Registration of more than 2500 Participants and an Exhibition of 14.000 m2 net, which is 40 per cent higher than last time at LNG 13 in 2001. All of this is stressing the steadily increasing importance and Market share of LNG in the World's Gas Market.

LNG 14, featuring both the technological, the economic and the political development of the LNG in-dustry, will tell you why this is so.

These LNG Conferences are organised by three main sponsors: Gas Technology Institute of USA, In-ternational Institute of Refrigeration in Paris and by International Gas Union (IGU), the latter being heading the Steering Committee for the Conference.

IGU is profiting from LNG 14 by holding its Spring Session "back to back" with this Conference.

Right after LNG 14 the IGU Executive Committee, consisting of some twenty high-echelon Gas Ex-ecutives from around the world, is meeting under the leadership of the IGU President, Mr. George H.B. Verberg, President and CEO of Gasunie in The Netherlands to discuss the affairs of the Union.

Qatar Petroleum has gracefully offered to host this IGU Spring Session. As a special part of this Session IGU is also organising an Executive Meeting on LNG's Role in the Global Gas Market in the afternoon of March 26 in hotel Sheraton, Doha.

The Qatari Minister of Energy and other high Officials from Qatar's Government and energy Industry have been specially invited to attend this event.

Apart from summing up the main results of LNG 14, the meeting will feature both perspectives of the LNG Exporter represented by the hosts from Qatar and the perspectives of the importers, represented by Mr. Yukata Kunigo from Tokyo Gas Ltd in Japan and by Mr. Michael Stoppard from the Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) in USA.

For mroe information see

Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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