Professeurs Associés and the University of Petroleum, Beijing
Posted: 8 April 2004
Total Professeurs Associés (TPA - Total Associated Teachers)
has signed a memorandum of understanding (M.O.U.) with the University
of Petroleum in Beijing, China.
The five-year agreement sets out of a framework for co-operation
whose main goal is to increase the familiarity of Chinese students
with the challenges and diverse facets of the oil, gas and energy
"TPA is active in 25 countries," says Alain Quénelle,
the Association's Chairman and founder. "Institutions in Indonesia,
Thailand, Iran and now China have signed long-term partnerships
with TPA, demonstrating the confidence and recognition of universities
and further motivating our 170 teachers."
Outside France, the Association mainly targets countries with a
high oil or gas potential. TPA familiarizes students with the challenges
and disciplines of the oil and gas industry, encourages careers,
and facilitates the recruitment of young graduates in the countries
"Working outside France is a real challenge, inasmuch as the
courses attract highly motivated students who ask a lot of questions.
Their interest is very rewarding for TPA, especially since the courses
seem to draw a broad audience. For instance, in the United Arab
Emirates, Indonesia and Iran, young women are strongly interested
in the world of oil. And in countries like Indonesia and Russia,
I've seen professors join their students in the classroom to hone
their knowledge," says Mr. Quénelle.
About Total Professeurs Associés (TPA)
Created in 2001, Total Professeurs Associés is a
French non-profit association that promotes links between universities
and other postgraduate institutes and the oil industry.
To date, TPA has provided more than 1,000 half-days of training
at nearly 80 educational institutions in France and 25 other countries.
The Association's membership now stands at more than 170 current
and retired Total employees, all volunteers.
TPA offers nearly 300 courses covering the Group's core businesses,
including offshore technology, geosciences, and automotive and other
fuels, as well as cross-functional courses such as energy and environmental
issues, techniques to stimulate creativity and innovation, and multicultural
For more information see

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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