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Marathon Neptune unit appraisal well results in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico

Posted: 19 April 2004

Marathon Oil Corporation encountered a net oil column of approximately 114 feet in the Neptune-7 appraisal well located in the Gulf of Mexico in Atwater Valley block 618.

The Neptune-7 well is located in 6,257 feet of water and was drilled to a total depth of 18,714 feet. Data gathered from this well is being analyzed with data from other Neptune wells to evaluate development options for the field. Pre-feasibility studies into the development of the Neptune resources are progressing and are expected to be completed by the end of this year.

The Neptune Unit is within the Atwater Fold belt trend to the east of the Mad Dog and Atlantis fields. The initial Neptune discovery was made in 1995. In August of 2003, Marathon and its partners in the Neptune Unit announced the successful Neptune-5 appraisal well, which is located between, and downdip of the Neptune-1 and 2 wells. The Neptune-5 well was drilled to a total measured depth of 19,142 feet and encountered more than 500 feet of net oil pay in Miocene age zones.

Marathon holds a 30 per cent interest in the Neptune Unit, which consists of five outer continental shelf blocks. BHP Billiton is the operator with a 35 per cent interest, with Woodside Energy (USA) Inc. holding 20 per cent interest and the remaining 15 per cent held by Maxus (US) Exploration Company, a subsidiary of Repsol YPF.

For more information see

Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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