announces Canela discovery in Deepwater Angola Block 32
Posted: 22 April 2004
Exxon Mobil Corporation announced its subsidiary, Esso Exploration
and Production Angola (Overseas) Limited, has participated in the
second oil discovery in Angola's deepwater offshore Block 32.
The Canela-1 well was drilled in a water depth of 5,050 feet (1,540
meters) and tested at a rate of 6,800 barrels of oil per day from
one reservoir.
The well is located in the eastern part of Block 32 approximately
10 miles (15 kilometers) to the southeast of Gindungo-1, the first
discovery on the block announced in 2003.
This, and more than 35 previously announced discoveries on Angola
Blocks 15, 17, 31 and 32, represent significant additions to the
company's resource base in Angola, currently estimated at more than
11.5 billion oil-equivalent barrels (gross).
ExxonMobil's subsidiary, Esso Exploration and Production Angola
(Overseas) Limited, has a 15 percent interest, along with TEPA (Block
32) Limited (operator) and Marathon Petroleum Angola Block 32 Limited
each at 30 percent, Sociedade Nacional de Combustiveis de Angola
(Sonangol) at 20 per cent and Petrogal Exploracao at 5 percent.
Sonangol is the concessionaire for the block.
ExxonMobil has a leading position in nearly all the major exploration
and production areas in the world. The company is also a leading
holder of deepwater acreage in the world's most attractive deepwater
regions, including West Africa where it has interests in 16 blocks
totaling almost 11 million gross acres.
For more information see www.exxonmobil.com

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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