spuds exploration well from Gullfaks
Posted: 22 April 2004
An exploration well aimed at the Topas prospect in the North Sea
was recently spudded by Statoil from its Gullfaks C platform.
The target structure lies on the boundary between the Gullfaks
and Visund wells, and the well is already about 1,100 metres long.
Its total measured depth will be roughly 7,000 metres.
Drilling is expected to take 100 days, with the well due to be
completed during June.
A possible discovery could be tied back to Gullfaks C, reports
Bengt Beskow, exploration manager for the Tampen area.
"Exploration close to existing installations is important
if we're to ensure the recovery of as much of the remaining resources
in the mature areas as possible."
He adds that several other extended-reach wells have already been
drilled in the Tampen region from fixed installations.
These operations have yielded important expertise for making small
oil and gas projects profitable on the Norwegian continental shelf.
For more information see

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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