wins six E&P engineering innovation awards
Posted: 03 May 2004
Halliburton won 6 E&P meritorious engineering awards for 2004.
Bill Pike, editor in chief for E&P presented the awards at
the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston.
“These awards represent the hard work and dedication of Halliburton
employees and our commitment to staying at the forefront of technology
development,” said John Gibson, president and chief executive
officer of Halliburton's Energy Services Group. “It is an
honor for Halliburton technology to be recognized year after year
by this prestigious committee. This is another example that our
employees are hard at work developing solutions to ensure a sustainable
Halliburton technologies won in several categories. Halliburton's
DrillAhead services won in wellbore construction systems. Halliburton's
G-Force precision-oriented perforating system won in completions
equipment. Halliburton's MicroPolymer service won in completions
systems. Halliburton's Underbalanced Applications reservoir analysis
service won in subsurface characterization and analysis systems.
Halliburton's WaterWebsm treatment services won in production equipment.
Landmark Graphics’ ProMAGIC system won in exploration systems.
“The receipt of a E&P Meritorious Engineering Award marks
a company as a technological leader in the upstream oil and gas
industry. The award program, now in its 33rd year, is judged independently
by a panel of recognized industry experts who rank the technologies
for their potential to improve efficiency, cost effectiveness, safety,
and technological progress in upstream operations. Previous award
winning technologies have been instrumental in the continuing technical
and economic success of the upstream industry,” said William
Pike, editor-in-chief of E&P.
DrillAhead services provides fully engineered solutions that can
help increase wellbore pressure containment by creating flexible
stress cages around the wellbore while sealing natural and induced
fractures and fissures. This new technology can help a wellbore
contain pressures higher than the natural fracture gradient of the
formations through which it is drilled, and DrillAhead services
engineering analyses, predicting achievable increases in wellbore-pressure
containment, can be used to design treatments that help optimize
well plans to reduce casing and liner installations.
The new technology can be used to improve leakoff tests and save
time regardless of whether there is a mud channel or a weak zone
at the casing shoe. DrillAhead services’ Widen the Mud Weight
Window concept can help eliminate drilling casings or liners, which
will result in deceases in both well construction costs and lost
Unlike cement squeezes, which require tripping the drill string
out of the hole, DrillAhead service treatments are designed to run
through the bit. Eliminating tripping further reduces rig time and
can decrease accident exposure for the rig crew. There is no waiting
time for DrillAhead sealants to set, and drilling operations can
continue immediately.
The G-Force precision-oriented perforating system is an internal
orienting gun system that is able to go through restrictions not
possible with older systems. It can align perforations in deviated
and horizontal wells in a controlled manner, greatly enhancing productivity
potential from perforated intervals.
Because the orienting rotational devices in the G-Force precision-oriented
perforating system are inside the protective environment of the
gun carrier, the orientation device does not need to overcome friction
forces imposed by the casing.
Eliminating multiple orientation subs increases shot efficiency
to more than 90%. Because verification can be made when shooting
only one gun with all exit holes on a given gun aligned, successful
perforation orientation can be confirmed, eliminating the need for
post-perforation logging.
The Halliburton MicroPolymer (HMPsm) service provides a premium
water-based fracturing fluid that can be easily reclaimed and reused
multiple times, dramatically reducing the need for water supply
and disposal.
Reusing HMP fluid recovered by flowback helps relieve the water
supply and disposal problems because the same fluid is used on successive
stimulation jobs. Because of its robust nature, HMP fluid enables
successful fracture stimulation of historically difficult-to-fracture
reservoirs. Excellent cleanup, about twice as efficient and effective
as conventional fluids, is achieved without the use of gel breakers.
Field results demonstrate that effective fracture lengths can increase
three- to five-fold over fracture lengths resulting from the use
of conventional fluids. Fracture-length increases usually make significant
increases in production rates and reserves. Ultimately, HMP service
may help increase the world’s reserves by enabling more hydrocarbon
production at lower cost.
Halliburton's Underbalanced Applications reservoir analysis service
is a comprehensive engineering process that integrates and sequences
surface and subsurface data obtained during underbalanced drilling
and then evaluates this data to characterize the reservoir and yield
valuable production data such as productivity index and permeability.
Measurements are taken from Halliburton’s advanced data acquisition
system, which acquires data, compiles and processes information,
and submits the data for transmission. Halliburton’s state-of-the-art,
four-phase separation equipment and downhole equipment provide the
data. This “testing while drilling” methodology yields
important reservoir information that can greatly change reservoir
knowledge. Halliburton is creating a process to test wells during
the drilling phase based on data obtained while drilling and from
testing designed to fit into the underbalanced application. Reservoirs
not considered sufficiently economic to merit testing are automatically
tested during the drilling phase, giving an abundance of reservoir
knowledge to the asset manager.
WaterWeb service uses unique polymer chemistry to help create oil-water
separation in the reservoir, impeding water at the source and enhancing
hydrocarbon flow to the wellbore. The resulting improved oil/gas
recovery potential stems from a reduced water column giving improved
natural lift for the residual oil and/or gas. In addition, it helps
justify prolonged and sustained production by enhancing reservoir
drainage. WaterWeb service works by adsorbing onto the rock surface,
reducing permeability to water seven to ten times more than it does
to hydrocarbons. In effect, WaterWeb service creates a barrier that
holds back water while allowing oil and gas to pass freely.
ProMAGIC software application links the functionality of the ProMAX
seismic data processing system to the GeoProbe 3D volume visualization
and interpretation system. This application maps the additional
dimension of pre-stack seismic data into an interpretation environment
for the first time, integrating the tools and technologies of two
historically independent G&G disciplines to enable more accurate
seismic processing results. ProMAGIC software makes it possible
for geoscientists to simultaneously view terabytes of data from
various perspectives or domains to identify complex geologic trends,
destructive noise patterns, or anomalies that could potentially
go undetected in a conventional seismic processing workflow. ProMAGIC
system integrates the visualization speed and precision of the GeoProbe
volume interpretation system with the processing algorithms of the
ProMAX 3D seismic processing system, eliminating barriers to rapid
and accurate prospect generation.
The E&P Meritorious Awards for Engineering Innovation, established
in 1971, honor the world's best new tools and techniques for finding,
drilling, and producing oil and gas wells. Entries are judged on
their innovation of concept or design, their ability to solve a
real, practical oilfield problem and their potential for improving
profitability, safety, or efficiency. The judging committee is composed
of experienced industry personnel from around the world with respected
engineering backgrounds and oilfield expertise.
Halliburton, founded in 1919, is one of the world's largest providers
of products and services to the petroleum and energy industries.
The company serves its customers with a broad range of products
and services through its Energy Services and Engineering and Construction
For more information see www.halliburton.com

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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