dream job for Norwegian students
Posted: 10 May 2004
Norwegian students have voted Statoil as their top employer
of choice for the third year in a row
This is the eighth year that the group has headed this list among
technology students, and its third year as the leading choice with
economics students.
According to Universum, which carried out the survey, it is unusual
for one employer to be acclaimed as the first choice by both categories.
Finland's Nokia is the only earlier example among European and
American companies to achieve such a position in similar surveys.
The Universum communications award was accepted last week on behalf
of Statoil by Kjølv Eivind Egeland, senior vice president
for human resources.
Annual surveys on the preferred employer are conducted by Universum
among final-year students at Norwegian universities and university
Responses in this year's survey were obtained from just over 2,000
students at 13 educational institutions.
"We're obviously very pleased with this result," says
Mr Egeland. "In my view, it reflects our broad contacts with
Norwegian institutions of higher education and a well-functioning
recruitment and promotional programme."
He believes that Statoil has a reputation for offering interesting
jobs and a mode of working which allows young people to show what
they are capable of.
"But that also carries an obligation. We must continuously
develop as a company and an employer."
Statoil has worked purposefully for a number of years in promoting
itself to Norwegian students. Thanks to active participation from
its specialist teams, the group has succeeded in presenting itself
as an attractive and exciting place to work which facilitates team
work and learning in a strong specialist setting.
Students give weight to Statoil's international commitment and
opportunities for working internationally.
They have also ranked the group's trainee programme as the most
attractive compared with other companies.
For more information see

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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