long-term agreement with PII Pipeline Solutions, GE Energy for pipeline
integrity management system
Posted: 12 May 2004
RasGas Company Limited has entered into a Long Term Service Agreement
(LTSA) for the provision of Pipeline Integrity Management Services
by PII Pipeline Solutions, GE Energy of the United Kingdom.
Jerry Wolahan, RasGas Managing Director and Mike Simmons, Global
General Manager from PII LIMITED, a member of the GE Energy, Oil
and Gas group of Companies formally signed the new agreement. Saud
S. Abukishk, Director of Hassan Ali Bin Ali Establishment, the local
representatives for PII Limited, was also present at the occasion.
The new agreement will be valid for a duration of six years.
With the commissioning of a 38-inch diameter, 100-kilometre long
pipeline for the transportation of natural gas from the company’s
offshore producing facilities to RasGas’ train 3 facilities
in January 2004, RasGas entered into a new era of wet gas export
pipeline operations in Qatar. While detailing the nature of the
project, Amarnath Jha, Pipeline Engineering Specialist stated, “Due
to the increased potential for severe corrosion, difficulties with
liquid handling, and the phenomenon of gas hydrate formation, wet
gas pipelines carrying hydrocarbon gas along with associated water
present unique operating problems.” In technical terms, Amar
continued, “The presence of water along with sour gases greatly
increases the potential for corrosion inside pipelines if risks
are not properly mitigated. Multiphase flow with gas, condensate,
and water traveling together within the pipeline can create the
potential for slug flow and flooding of onshore receiving facilities
if the flow regime is not appropriately managed. In hydrocarbon
transportation systems, gas hydrates can also form when fluids containing
light natural gas components (methane, ethane, propane, H2S, etc.)
and uninhibited water come in contact at the appropriate temperatures
and pressures. The solids formed by hydrates are seriously detrimental
to oil and gas processing operations as they can grow large enough
to block gas transmission pipelines with plugs that are impermeable
to liquids and have greatly lowered permeability to gas.”
Commenting on the agreement, Brant Edwards, Offshore Asset Manager
confirmed, “The LTSA provides RasGas with a long-term relationship
with an industry expert in order to closely monitor the health of
new and existing export pipelines, and to carry out timely and cost
effective integrity management services. A relationship with an
experienced pipeline service provider such as PII, GE Energy will
also provide an opportunity for optimization of maintenance costs
through Risk-Based Inspection techniques, which will improve the
reliability of pipeline operations while enhancing the availability
of pipelines for gas transportation needs. The RasGas and GE Energy
association represents a distinctive model for the long-term health
management of RasGas pipelines in Qatar.”
RasGas Company Limited
RasGas Company Limited was established in 2001 by QP (70%) and ExxonMobil
(30%), to assume responsibility for providing a full range of operations
and maintenance management services to Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural
Gas Company Limited, Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Company Limited
(II) and future expansion opportunities. The Company commenced operations
in July 2002.
PII Pipeline Solutions
PII Limited is a division of GE Energy, Oil and Gas.
For more information see www.rasgas.com

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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