Persia Seismic Company joins “2 mile high club”
Posted: 14 May 2004
During April 2004 the Iranian seismic company Terras Persia Seismic
Company joined the “2 Mile High Club” by being the only
seismic company in recent history to record seismic data at elevations
above 3200 metres in the Zagros Mountains of southwest Iran.
The crew, currently contracted to National Iranian Oil Company
(NIOC) to complete the 2400 km Koohestan-1 2D seismic program, operates
a Sercel 408 24 Bit Telemetry System with microwave links, lightweight
heli-portable drills and Leica GPS survey equipment.
Terras Persia is an Iranian owned seismic company established in
2002 to specialise in heli-portable mountain seismic operations
where much of the focus of future seismic exploration and development
programs will be located.
The company is managed by a core group of 16 specialist expatriates
with a depth of global seismic operations experience. Up to 200
local Iranians are employed from field crew to management positions
and provide local knowledge as well as receive training and technology
transfer of “state-of-the-art” Operational, Management
and Safety systems.
After 5 months of operations, the first phase, the 296km Dehdasht
seismic program, has been completed prior to recording the 65km
Sartal line at elevations up to approximately 3100 metres, before
moving to the 660km Izeh seismic program.
Mine Clearance operations have also been ongoing over the past
5 months on the planned 1000km Ilam seismic program in preparation
for the recording crew to commence this program close to the Iraqi
border in late in 2004.

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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