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ADNOC HSE 2003 Awards --- Opening speech by H.E. Yousef Omair Bin Yousef

Posted: 19 May 2004

In the name of God, most gracious, most merciful

Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is with great pleasure that I welcome all of you to the annual ADNOC 2003 Health, Safety and Environment Award ceremony.

This is the one event each year where we have an opportunity to collectively celebrate our Health Safety & Environment achievements. For 2003, these were significant, throughout all levels of the organization. Let me reflect on some of our more notable achievements over the past year.

  • ADNOC recorded its lowest lost time injury frequency ever, reaching (0.5). This is significantly better than the industry average. Seven of our companies did not have any lost time injuries in 2003.
  • We achieved an additional 10 per cent reduction in flaring levels and reduced our total air emission levels by 6 per cent despite higher production levels.
  • Comprehensive systems are now in place to handle the waste associated with our drilling operations.
  • Risk assessment and management has become embedded in the Group Companies. We are consistently identifying the hazards and assessing the risks associated with our activities.
  • Our new projects are undergoing rigorous Health Safety & Environment impact assessments.
  • And finally Health, Safety and Environment Codes of Practice are now being delivered which will set the standards of Health Safety & Environment performance for the ADNOC Group in the future.

All of this has been achieved through the hard work of our employees and contractors. While 10 submissions have been selected for special recognition this evening, all of this year’s Health, Safety and Environment Award entries contributed substantially to us achieving these results.

In conclusion I would like to offer my congratulations to this year’s award winners and also thank all those individuals, companies and contractors that participated in the program and have contributed to its success.

I hope you enjoy this evening and thank you all.

For more information see

Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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