Wheeler awarded contract by Bahrain National Gas Company to revamp
LPG facilities
Posted: 20 May 2004
Foster Wheeler Ltd. announced its subsidiary Foster Wheeler Energy
Limited has been awarded a contract by the Bahrain National Gas
Company (BANAGAS) for front-end engineering design to revamp BANAGAS'
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) facilities. The value of the contract
was not disclosed.
BANAGAS is 75 per cent owned by the Government of Bahrain with
the remaining 25 per cent equally owned by the Arab Petroleum Investment
Corporation and Caltex Bahrain.
"The award of this contract by BANAGAS reflects Foster Wheeler's
extensive experience in sour gas/condensate handling and LPG treatment.
We are pleased to assist BANAGAS in the development of Bahrain's
oil and gas industry. This builds on the good relationship that
we have already established with the Bahrain Petroleum (BAPCO) refinery,
part of the same group of companies as BANAGAS," said Ian Bill,
chairman & chief executive of Foster Wheeler Energy Limited.
The BANAGAS LPG facilities will process 308 MMSCFD of associated
sour gas with Arab gas and refinery offgas rich in LPG liquids.
The present facilities process 280 MMSCFD of gas in two gas/condensate
reception plants with associated gas treatment and LPG/naphtha export
facilities, located at the Bahrain oil field, south of Awali, and
refrigerated product storage and loading areas at Sitra, 15 kms
south of Manama, the capital of Bahrain.
Foster Wheeler will undertake the front-end engineering design
for the revamp of process units at both of the central gas plants,
the refrigerated product storage area and export facilities at Sitra,
including the transfer pipelines. This may involve the use of new
technology and the potential upgrade of the lean oil system at the
central gas plants.
The LPG products and naphtha are exported under existing marketing
agreements. The naphtha is routed via the BAPCO refinery and the
residue gas, mainly methane and ethane, is routed to Aluminium Bahrain
(ALBA), the BAPCO refinery and Electricity Directorate's Riffa power
For more information see

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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