students get hands-on safety experience
Posted: 28 May 2004
UAE Nationals studying aircraft maintenance got hands-on experience
in airport safety during a visit to the Sharjah Airport Services
Company (SASCO) re-fuelling terminal at Sharjah International Airport.
SASCO, an independent company managed by Air BP, introduced the
students studying at various Higher Colleges of Technology in the
UAE to the international standards of aviation fuelling operations.
During the training the students learnt the importance of following
stringent safety procedures when refueling an aircraft and the necessity
for all ramp service providers to work as a team to ensure the plane’s
timely departure. The students also visited the fuel storage area
and witnessed exacting quality control tests.
“In addition to learning about the refueling procedures
themselves, the students learn about Air BP's uncompromising approach
to Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) standards. Ensuring the
fuel is free from contaminants and the whole issue of ramp safety
- what goes on around an aircraft when it is on the ground - is
something we take very seriously,” said Andy Chubb, operations
and HSE manager, Air BP.
Tim Bingham, general manager of Air BP Middle East, added: “BP
recognizes that our involvement with the local community goes beyond
a purely business relationship. Introducing these students to the
complexities of the aviation industry on site in real fuelling situations
is just one example of our commitment to the future of the industry
in the region”
SASCO provides fuel storage and handling services to the fuel marketing
companies at Sharjah International Airport.
For more information see www.bp.com

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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