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MEOS 2005: A call for papers

Posted: 06 June 2004

On behalf of the 2005 MEOS Technical Programme Committee, it gives me great pleasure to invite you to join us in the Kingdom of Bahrain for the 14th Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference, to be held 12-15 March 2005 at the Bahrain International Exhibition Centre.

The challenge of meeting future oil and gas demand, forecast to increase 70 per cent by the year 2030, calls not only for us to make the most out of our current mature and marginal fields, through the application of new technologies and techniques, but also for us to develop new resources and alternate hydrocarbon energy supplies.

The 14th Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference technical programme begins with a Plenary Session on the first afternoon. A distinguished panel of speakers representing NOCs, IOCs, service companies and a non-petroleum industry, will address the conference theme. The conference continues over the following three days with a series of traditional technical sessions and a selection of panel and workshop sessions that allow a high level of participation by delegates.

Topics to be addressed in the technical programme include:

  • Maintaining Plateau in Mature Fields
  • Exploitation of Marginal Fields
  • Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources
  • Reservoir Characterisation & Modelling
  • Improved/Enhanced Oil Recovery

We therefore invite you to submit a paper proposal that will address the conference theme:

Meeting the Global Demand Challenge
In order to maintain the high standard of papers at MEOS, the Programme Committee has specifically requested that authors clearly state their paper’s key points. Authors should also demonstrate in their paper proposal the benefits of the paper to the audience and highlight their conclusions. Authors are encouraged to submit case histories that not only describe successes but also point to valuable lessons learned from failures.

For more information see

Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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