to purchase SHOALS-1000T airborne LIDAR bathymeter
Posted: 07 June 2004
Worldwide survey leader Fugro has announced its intent to purchase
an Optech International SHOALS-1000T Airborne LIDAR Bathymeter
for coastal zone mapping.
Through its operating company, Fugro
Pelagos, Inc., Fugro has issued a Letter of Intent to Optech International,
with system delivery scheduled for February 2005.
Fugro has been
providing airborne LIDAR bathymetry services, utilizing the SHOALS-1000T,
since a teaming agreement was signed with Optech in February 2003.
services will continue without any interruption. With this purchase,
Fugro will become the first commercial survey company
to acquire a SHOALS-1000T and will become the only commercial provider
of airborne LIDAR bathymetry surveys utilizing the SHOALS-1000T
in the world.
Fugro has years of airborne LIDAR bathymetry experience,
supporting the United States Army Corps of Engineers’ SHOALS
and CHARTS programs since the early 1990s.
In addition to addressing shallow water hydrographic charting
markets, the SHOALS-1000T is the perfect tool for coastal zone
mapping. It is the only LIDAR bathymeter in the world that provides
both a hydrographic and topographic mode of operation within the
same airborne sensor and is configurable in mid-flight at the switch
of a button. In addition, the system comes fitted with a co-registered
digital camera, providing high quality images at one frame per
Fugro is now able to provide integrated mapping services that
go from land across the beach through to full ocean depth. The
SHOALS-1000T, which can provide both bathymetry and seabed imagery
in water depths of up to 50 meters, perfectly complements the company’s
world-renowned acoustic multibeam bathymetry and backscatter capabilities.
The portable SHOALS-1000T can be installed on suitable aircraft
of opportunity, allowing cost effective worldwide operations, even
in the most remote areas. The system comes with sophisticated mission
planning and spatial data processing software, including a three-dimensional “fly
through” viewing capability.
About Fugro
Fugro Pelagos, Inc. is a member of
the international Fugro group of companies. Fugro collects, processes
and interprets data related
to the earth’s surface and soil composition and provides
advice based on the results. As an extension to these activities,
Fugro provides services such as precise positioning, construction
materials testing, reservoir engineering and data management. Fugro’s
operations have been organised into three divisions: Geotechnical,
Survey and Geoscience. Fugro has over 275 offices, more than 7,000
staff and a permanent presence in over 50 countries.
About Optech
Optech is the global market leader in the development, manufacture
and support of advanced laser-based survey instruments. In addition
to SHOALS-1000T, Optech offers client-driven solutions in airborne
terrestrial mapping, laser imaging, space-based atmospheric monitors
and spaceborne landing / docking systems, mine cavity monitoring
systems and industrial process control.
For more information see www.fugro.com

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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