Wood Group turns to Monitor for Brunei Project Support
Posted: 21 June 2004
Aberdeen-based Monitor Management Control Systems Ltd has been chosen by a Wood Group-led joint venture to provide project management software to support their work on a major new project in Brunei.
SKS Wood Sdn Bhd, a newly formed joint venture comprising Wood Group, SKS and Petrokon, has appointed Monitor, in a deal worth a six figure sum. The contract comes as SKS Wood has itself been awarded a five year contract, with five year extension option, by Brunei Shell Petroleum Snd Bhd (BSP) for the maintenance and upgrading of offshore facilities and the execution of offshore projects in Brunei Darussalam.
Monitor's web-based m-power suite, a comprehensive project management tool, will provide contract management, project management, time writing, job card estimating and billing support for the venture throughout the duration of the upgrade work.
Monitor is providing a specially adapted version of the m-power package to meet specific requirements of the Brunei contract, in particular to enable the software to access Shell's SAP system extracting and updating maintenance information to and from their main system.
Managing Director of Monitor Ian Mckenzie said, “This project has posed a number of interesting challenges and I'm delighted that we have been able to meet the needs of both SKS Wood and Shell Brunei and provide an effective solution for the project.
“One of the key challenges for this project was in relation to human resource issues, owing to the fact that personnel will not stay on the platforms overnight. The HR and resourcing elements of the m-power suite have therefore been developed to such a level of sophistication that they can provide precise details on the exact location and availability of each member of staff at any one time, showing when that team member is offshore, in transit or onshore.
“We are looking forward to proving the effectiveness of the system in action and are delighted to be working with this joint venture of world-class companies on such a major project.”
Installation, implementation and training on the m-power software is being provided by an Aberdeen-based Monitor team with ongoing technical support provided by Monitor's Asian partner in Brunei , Insyte Asia.
Set up in 1987, Monitor provides project management software, training and consultancy predominantly to the construction, oil and gas, renewables and utilities industries. Their project management tools help create more efficient business processes and systems and are used by companies across the globe.
Their core software product, m-power, incorporates the very latest project management technology which enables companies to integrate financial and resource management with purchasing, billing, time management, maintenance planning and risk management and allows them to keep track of their projects online anywhere in the world.

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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