Total appoints Jean-Marc Jaubert Senior Vice President, Industrial Safety
Posted: 28 June 2004
Effective August 2, 2004 , Jean-Marc Jaubert, Atofina's Vice President, Industrial Safety, is appointed Senior Vice President, Industrial Safety at Total. He will also be a member of the Group's Management Committee.
Mr. Jaubert succeeds Pierre Guyonnet, who has been appointed Chairman of ATEE (the French Association for Energy Efficiency).
Jean-Marc Jaubert
Senior Vice President, Industrial Safety
Member of the Management Committee
Jean-Marc Jaubert, 47, is a graduate of the Ecole Poly tech nique and the Ecole des Mines in Paris. He joined Elf in 1981 as an economic engineer in the refining business, and was later appointed process engineer at the Grandpuit refinery.
In 1985, he moved to the petrochemicals business as operations manager of the high-pressure polyethylene unit at the Gonfreville plant. Beginning in 1989, he held a variety of marketing positions in Elf Atochem's Petrochemicals Division, before heading it from 1998. He was subsequently appointed Vice President, Industrial Petrochemicals at Atofina, based in Brussels.
Since March 2002, he has been Vice President, Industrial Safety of the Chemicals business. Pierre Guyonnet
Chairman, ATEE (the French Association for Energy Efficiency)
An engineering graduate of the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Pétrole et des Moteurs (ENSPM), Pierre Guyonnet joined Total in 1969. He spent much of his career developing oil projects outside France . Beginning in 1982, he was responsible for offshore project management in the North Sea and Asia.
In 1996, he joined the Exploration & Production business' senior management, before becoming a member of Total's senior management in 2000 as Director of the Atlantic Coast Fund. In early 2002, he was appointed Senior Vice President, Industrial Safety and became a member of the Management Board. For more information see

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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