Statoil: New cable from TampNett
Posted: 15 July 2004
The Statoil-owned TampNett company is to lay a new communication cable between the Hydro-operated Grane and O seberg platforms in the North Sea.
TampNett has signed an agreement worth roughly NOK 60 million with Ericsson Network Technologies and CTC Marine Projects.
The cable is to be laid in July and August, and the new network should be operational early this autumn.
TampNett is the largest network company in the North Sea. Its system covers 27 platforms linked through fibre-optic cable or radio line, and runs from the Kollsnes gas processing plant near Bergen to the platforms in the Tampen area.
The Statoil-operated Kvitebjørn, Veslefrikk and Visund fields are tied into TampNett, along with O seberg. Last autumn the first British customer, Shell Expro, was also linked to the network.
A cable has previously been laid from the gas processing plant at Kårstø, north of Stavanger, to the Draupner platforms and Sleipner fields in the North Sea. Last summer it was extended by Hydro to include Grane which came on stream in the autumn.
TampNett has now agreed with the owners of these cables to take over as operator, and to expand the network northwards from Grane via the Hydro-operated Heimdal platform to O seberg.
Once this final 170-kilometre stretch of cable is in place, there will be a ring network from Kårstø in the south, via platforms in the southern part of the North Sea, north to the Tampen area and in to Kollsnes. TampNett will run the entire network.
"The aim is to expand our customer base to include more platforms in the central Norwegian sector of the North Sea, and even more in the British sector," says TampNett president Stanley Wirak. "We also want to offer communication services via radio line to mobile units in the Norwegian and UK sector."
For more information see

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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