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LeapOne launches Jordan’s first IBM authorised learning centre

Posted: 1 August 2004

New training centre to boost Jordanian software development skills using open-standard tech nologies

LeapOne, an IBM business partner in Jordan , has announced today the launch of the first IBM Authorized Learning Centre which aims to provide training and education on IBM’s WebSphere and Lotus software offerings, as well as the open-source Linux operating system. The training provided by LeapOne’s IBM Learning Centre will help set new standards in the Jordanian software market and allow it to compete more effectively in the regional and global arena.

“We believe the IBM Learning Centre is an important milestone for the Jordanian ICT market. Not only will it provide software development and training for the next-generation of skilled labour, but it will provide a local support base for IBM business partners and customers in the Kingdom and the region that need to keep themselves up to date with the latest tech nologies that are being introduced in the market,” said Dr. Yaser Abdehhadi, General Manager of LeapOne.

With a team of six certified IBM developers and four certified instructors, the learning centre will provide 16 to 40 hours of training for each course with trainees receiving an IBM certified developer certificate upon completion. LeapOnel is also granting Jordanian university students a 30% discount on training fees as part of an incentive plan to encourage them to take the course and advance their skills in software development. The center will also provide training courses to other IBM business partners in addition to providing outsourced services.

“IBM is working closely with its business partners in the Kingdom, investing in training and education initiatives that will help build Jordan ’s ICT sector,” said Bashar Kilani, IBM’s manager of software group, Middle East . “LeapOne has an extensive track-record in adapting advanced methodologies and delivering international standards-based training. We believe that Jordan ’s software industry has enormous potential and we are very much working towards supporting and developing this through the learning centre.”

The center will deliver training on IBM’s Software which includes DB2 Content management, WebSphere Portal, WebSphere Business Integration, Lotus WorkFlow, Wireless Communication using DB2 EVERYPLACE. In addition to a number of trainings on IBM products some of which are: WebSphere family of Products, DB2 Family of Products, Rational Rose Family of Products, Lotus Family of Products, AIX, AS400 in addition to many others.

About LeapOne
LeapOne is  a Jordanian investment group guided by his majesty’s vision to enable the Jordanian IT professionals and company’s to compete with their international counterparts and become the Middle East IT hub; therefore contributing to the national efforts at building up a capable IT industry. LeapOne will transfer IBM’s Skills to the Jordanian community. Each graduate have a progressive upgrade path for IT training and education from a vocational level to a professional level as well as to instill professionalism in the graduates in order that they may function effectively in their organizations. LeapOne's target customers include: fresh school leavers, College Going Students, working adults- needing a switch in career and Life Long Learners.

About IBM
IBM is the world’s largest information tech nology company, with 80 years of leadership in helping businesses innovate. IBM offers a wide range of services, solutions and tech nologies that enable telecommunications service providers and equipment suppliers to take full advantage of the new era of e-business. IBM Global Services is the world’s largest information tech nology services provider and is the fastest growing part of IBM, with nearly 150,000 professionals serving customers in 160 countries.

For more information on IBM see

Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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