Technip awarded the Bouri East Area Development project by Agip in Libya
Posted: 17 August 2004
Technip has been awarded by Agip Oil Company Ltd Libyan Branch (owned 50% by NOC and 50% by ENI) a contract worth approximately €50 million for the Bouri East Area Development (EAD).
The Bouri field, located in block NC-41, lies 120 km offshore the Libyan coast in 145 to 183 m water depth. The EAD Project will consist of four new sub sea production wells, clustered around a central manifold and tied-back to the DP4 Platform.
Technip will perform the engineering, procurement, fabrication, testing, transport, trenching, installation and pre-commissioning of two 8-inch production flexible flowlines and risers and one 3-inch service flowline flexible, together with associated risers system. The flexible lines will be manufactured by Flexi France, one of the Group’s flexible pipe plants based in Le Trait, France. The project also involves the installation of umbilicals provided by Agip Oil Company Ltd.
Installation works will be performed before end 2005 by one of the 13 Technip first-class dynamically positioned vessels.
Daniel Valot, Chairman and CEO of Technip, said: “This new award is one step further for the Technip group progression in Libya where, since 1999, Technip conducts project management activities (PMC) for the Western Libya Gas Project, a major gas project development.”
With a workforce of about 19,000 persons, Technip ranks among the top five corporations in the field of oil, gas and petrochemical engineering, construction and services. Headquartered in Paris, the Group is listed in New York and Paris. The Group’s main engineering and business centers are located in France, Italy, Germany, the UK, Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, the United States, Brazil, Abu-Dhabi, China, India, Malaysia and Australia. The Group has high-quality industrial and construction facilities in France, Brazil, the UK, the USA, Finland and Angola as well as a world-class fleet of offshore construction vessels.
For more information see http://www.technip.com

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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