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SOGAT 2004

Posted: 22 August 2004

Sour Oil & Gas Advanced Technology (SOGAT) 2004 is to be held in Doha from 22nd to 24th November. This is the first event of its kind to be held in the Middle East with the purpose of providing a platform for internationally recognised experts to discuss their experiences and solutions in tackling sour gas problems and how they can relate to the oil and gas industry in the Middle East in particular.

The proposed scope of the meeting is reflected in the wide and comprehensive list of papers that will be presented, including:

  • A feature of the programme will be a detailed paper on the case history of appraising a very highly sour gas well assessed and operated by leading experts from ADNOC and ADCO, UAE.
  • The experiences of Devon Canada Inc who are currently operating five acid gas injection facilities and will present their findings on the driving forces, design parameters and facilities of the five projects. Key operating issues will also be discussed.
  • Another feature of the conference will be a paper from the Director of Alberta Sulphur Research Limited, Peter Clark, who will address several aspects of acid gas and sour gas handling offering a new process scheme for utilization of sour gas that involves conversion of the hydrocarbon values to syn-gas and providing hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide for injection and use in enhanced oil recovery.  The syn-gas may be used in chemicals or liquid fuels production or simply combusted to provide heat energy for power generation or directly in any process requiring heat input. The ASRL sulfur dioxide energy recovery/injection scheme, now under development by Black and Veatch, will also be discussed. The paper will also include a description of a new tech nique for disposal of sulfur as a mixture of liquid organic polysulfides. 
  • Additionally the potential for acid gas injection at Kharg Island in Iran will be presented by P Griffin from Gas Liquids Engineering in Canada and N Rahimi from Iranian Offshore Oil Company.
  • Refineries in the Middle East have to deal with several sour gas issues and a paper from ExxonMobil provides operating history of the unit prior to the solvent changeover and the main benefits achieved after the solvent changeover. These benefits include total sulphur capacity being constant and higher year round and SRU capacity increased to the point where previous upstream constraints are now limiting refinery production.
  • The experiences of implementing a reduction, absorption and recycling process in commercial applications in the Middle East will be presented by Technip KTI from Italy .
  • The programme will include a new development from UOP in using polymeric membranes to remove in bulk hydrate sulphide from natural gas at very high H2S concentrations and high operating measures. A case study will feature the impact on the gas processing train and the economics of gas production in sour gas service.
  • Lurgi Oil and Gas will present a paper that includes the results of the installation of an acid gas enrichment step in their recognized OmniSulf process. Features, aspects and consequences will be briefly discussed and a first assessment of strengths, opportunities and possible risks will be given.
  • Alternative design concepts to improve sulphur facility reliability based on current experiences in the UAE will be presented by Ortloff Engineers of the USA .
  • The future plans for sour gas handling and treatment in the South Pars field will be of major interest to delegates and will be presented by speakers from PetroPars , Iran .
  • Additionally papers detailing operating experiences will be presented by distinguished speakers from Saudi Aramco, Shell and Qatar Petroleum.

The interest in SOGAT is increasing and so far we have received enquiries from prospective delegates from Qatar , UAE, Saudi Arabia , Kuwait , Egypt , Iran , Bahrain , Kazakhstan , Russia , India , USA , Canada , UK , France , Italy , Belgium and Germany .

Current details of SOGAT 2004 can be found at

Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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