Weatherford’s Pipeline & Specialty Services wins China West East Pipeline Pre-commissioning Contract
Posted: 24 August 2004
Weatherford’s Pipeline & Specialty Services (P&SS) has been awarded a contract for drying 500km of the prestigious China West East Pipeline. This pre-commissioning project is the second P&SS has been awarded on the 4,000-kilometre pipeline which runs from the Tarim Basin, in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, through eight provinces and regions and cross China's two largest rivers - the Yellow and the Yangtze rivers - before reaching Shanghai.
The project is an important step in the country's western development campaign, and it is believed the project will contribute to the improvement of the lives of the people living in the vast Xinjiang region. Moreover, the clean-burning natural gas the pipeline will carry should also help upgrade the energy structure of Shanghai and other prosperous cities in the Yangtze River delta.
Upon completion of the final section in early 2005, the West-to-East Pipeline Project will be recognized as one of the most significant engineering and construction accomplishments in China and worldwide.
Weatherford P&SS secured the work as a result of the recently acquired SiroccoTM air drying units. The Sirocco units provide dry air (-40 dewpoint) at flowrates that would require 3 times the spread of conventional air compressors, and use 25% of the diesel a compressor spread would require. This meant that savings in logistics were possible and negated the need for large supplies of diesel in the remote desert areas where the work is being executed.
Weatherford’s Pipeline & Specialty Services Asia-Pacific representative, Mark Ashworth, worked closely with Weatherford’s Global Business Alignment Manager for China, Yong Wang, in securing the project. Fraser McDowell, P&SS’s Global Business Development Manager who finalized the contract in China, believes that the inter-company spirit of co-operation was integral to securing the project.
For more information see

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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