Magnetrol: First FMEDA analysis on displacer level transmitters
Posted: 6 September 2004
The smart EZ Modulevel of Magnetrol International is the first displacer transmitter with SIL (Safety Integrity Level) data according to IEC 61508.
The FMEDA analysis shows that SIS designers can meet the integrity requirements with the EZ Modulevel up to SIL2.
Architectural requirements can be met to SIL1 (non-redundant) or SIL2 (redundant). The smart EZ Modulevel is a 1oo1 (one out of one) level transmitter.
The PFDavg (average Probability of Failure on Demand) for a one year proof test interval is 8,94 x10-4. Since the smart EZ Modulevel is equipped with a powerful microprocessor to allow a user friendly set up and diagnostic reporting, the device categorizes as a “Type B” device.
The FMEDA analysis was performed on all electronics and related hardware of the actual series – meaning that the report is also valid for the thousands of units installed around the world. The report is available free of charge from
The smart EZ Modulevel was first introduced in 1996 and services on process vessels up to 355 bar/ 315°C for monitoring continuous level or interface measurement or as density controller.
Different from a traditional torque tube design, the EZ Modulevel uses a measuring spring.
The spring reduces the friction of moving parts (only one linear motion) and acts as natural damping.
The result is a more reliable and stable output even when the liquid surface is turbulent. The “measuring spring” type units use an LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer) with much higher resolution (accuracy / linearity ) versus the torque tube design using typically an RVDT(Rotatable Variable Differential Transformer).
The EZ Modulevel has gained immense popularity worldwide on offshore platforms, petrochemical sites and power stations.
For more information see

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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