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Foster Wheeler Safety Excellence Awards from Singapore Ministry of Manpower

Posted: 20 October 2004

Foster Wheeler Ltd. (OTCBB:FWLRF) announced recently that its Singaporean affiliate has won two Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) Excellence Awards from the Singapore Ministry of Manpower (MOM). These latest OSH Excellence Awards (MOM's highest level of award) bring the company’s total up to five.

Since Foster Wheeler remains the only engineering and construction (E&C) company to win a MOM OSH Excellence Award, the company believes it can justifiably claim to be the safest E&C contractor currently working in Singapore.

The two OSH Excellence Awards recognize three years of consistent, Gold Award-winning safety performance at two separate pharmaceutical project sites in Singapore for Merck Sharpe & Dohme and Schering-Plough. Each of these project sites also won an OSH Excellence Award in 2003. In addition this year, Foster Wheeler has also won a Gold Award for its safety performance at ExxonMobil's Lubes Plant at Pulau Ayer Chawan.

The 2004 Singapore MOM Annual Safety Performance Awards attracted over 335 applications from a wide variety of companies, all based in Singapore. Companies nominated for the MOM Awards undergo a rigorous review of their safety programs and safety performance during the reporting period.

“We are proud and honored to be recognized in such a way by the Singapore Ministry of Manpower for our world-class safety record and achievements,” commented Gareth Attwood, managing director, Foster Wheeler Asia Pacific. “Achieving outstanding safety performance time after time requires everyone's total commitment and effort - the Foster Wheeler teams, our clients and our subcontractors. We have now won a total of 20 MOM awards, reflecting the exemplary standard of work being carried out in Singapore by Foster Wheeler and all who were involved. We are determined to maintain this record of excellence on current and future projects. Our expertise, combined with our commitment to world-class safety, makes Foster Wheeler the international contractor of choice for safe, successful projects.”

Posted by Alexander Lindsay, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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