Parsons Team opens hurricane-damaged I-10 bridge
Posted: 20 October 2004
FloridaBridge Repair Finished Ahead of Schedule
A team of bridge experts including Parsons, a worldwide leader in bridge design, recently completed the first phase of emergency repairs to the I-10 bridge across Escambia Bay in Pensacola, Florida, which was severely damaged by Hurricane Ivan. This first phase was to restore traffic on the westbound bridge; the second phase of the project will restore traffic on the eastbound bridge.
Hurricane Ivan caused over 3300 feet of bridge superstructure to drop into the bay; over 24 pile bents were destroyed, and numerous superstructure spans had to be repositioned. Parsons designed new bents and piles. Parsons also was responsible for checking the bridge for construction loads, and procedures for realigning the superstructure spans.
Florida DOT selected the team of Gilbert Southern (a Kiewit affiliate)/Massman-Parsons, using the design-build procurement method to perform emergency repairs necessary to reopen the bridge. The westbound structure was successfully re-opened to two-way traffic while the east-bound construction continued. The west-bound side of the bridge opened a full 6 days ahead of the contracted 24 days. Florida Governor, Jeb Bush, and U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Norman Mineta, attended the October 5 bridge opening ceremony. Work now commences on the eastbound structure and is expected to be open to traffic in less than the required 90 days after notice-to-proceed.
“We welcomed the challenges of this project. Parsons' exemplary performance is typical of the professional culture and successful collaboration we have developed on design-build projects over the last decade with companies like Gilbert Southern,” explains Larry Olsen, Parsons Bridge Division Manager.

Posted by Alexander Lindsay, Editor Pipeline Magazine
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