Tebodin Pipelines between refineries and terminals in Abu Dhabi
Posted: 20 October 2004
Takreer, an operating company of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Corporation, has refineries in Abu Dhabi and Ruwais, both in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. In the Inter Refineries Pipelines (IRP) project, Tebodin Middle East was asked to realize a pipeline network between the two refineries and several product terminals. Tebodin acted as the Project Management Consultant, responsible for the selection of the right contractors for engineering and construction, and for overall supervision of the project.
Mr. Mohammed Al Yabhouni, Takreer’s Senior Project Manager, explains why the decision to build a pipeline network was taken. `We want to transport and store intermediate and final products for the local market in a flexible, safe and environmentally friendly way. When the new network is finished, products such as naphtha, Straight Run Residue (SRR), unleaded gasoline, jet fuel and gas oil will be transferred between the two refineries and the distribution terminals at Mussafh, Al Ain and Abu Dhabi International Airport. The network replaces transportation by ship between the two refineries. This results in extra capacity on the Ruwais jetty, which can be used for the future export of condensate and other products.'
In the client’s office in Abu Dhabi, a multidisciplinary Tebodin team started with the pre-FEED (Front End Engineering & Design) phase in February 2003. Tebodin Project Manager Mr. Frits Prinse: `We prepared a scope of work for the project, resulting in a tender document package, world-wide tendering and the final selection of Engineers India Ltd. in New Delhi as the FEED engineer. The FEED phase included many studies to determine the best solutions for this project, as well as the required subcontracts to obtain topographical and geotechnical data. This phase led to a tender document package for the Engineering, Procurement and Construction management contract. This package comprises about forty volumes of documents and allows the bidding EPC contractor to be selected on a lumpsum basis. The EPC contractor will perform the detail engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning, start-up and initial operation of all facilities, to be completed in the third quarter of 2007.`
(Full text in Tebodin World, October 2004. Please order your copy at the Public Relations department via info@tebodin.com.)

Posted by Alexander Lindsay, Editor Pipeline Magazine
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