ABB Group wins $100 million Sakhalin oil platform order
Posted: 20 October 2004
Two platform modules will support export of crude oil and natural gas
ABB, the leading power and automation technology group, said that it has won a contract worth nearly $100 million to modify an oil platform off the coast of the Russian Far East.
The contract for the Molikpaq platform was awarded by the Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd. – a joint venture between Shell, Mitsui and Mitsubishi.
Under the terms of the agreement, ABB Lummus Global will design and construct two modules for the Molikpaq platform, enabling the export of crude oil and natural gas via a newly installed pipeline system.
The Molikpaq platform is subject to extreme climate conditions, with a very short summer season in which marine operations and installation work can be carried out. ABB’s ability to manage the project within such environmental constraints was an important factor in the award, ABB said.
Work has already started and is due to be completed in 2006, when the modules – with an overall combined weight of 3,000 tons – are due to be installed on the Molikpaq platform.

Posted by Alexander Lindsay, Editor Pipeline Magazine
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