Saipem Offshore construction contract
Posted: 20 October 2004
Saipem, an Eni company, has been awarded the lump sum turnkey contract for the SURF activities (Sub-sea Umbilicals, Risers and Flow Lines) for the sub-sea development of Rosa Field as a tie back to the Girassol FPSO, in the Block 17, 200 kilometres north west of Luanda, offshore Angola.
The contract, awarded by TEPA (Total Exploration & Production Angola) as the Operator of Block 17(1), has a total value of approximately 440 million USD.
The scope of work comprises the engineering, procurement, construction, installation and pre-commissioning of the Subsea Umbilicals, Risers and Flowlines in water depth of approximately 1,400 meters.
The vessels Saipem 3000 and Saibos FDS will carry out the job between first and third quarter 2006.

Posted by Alexander Lindsay, Editor Pipeline Magazine
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