PGS Tender for offshore Brazil HD3D surveys
Posted: 27 October 2004
PGS Geophysical announced that Petrobras has awarded the company contracts to conduct High Density 3D (HD3D) seismic acquisition surveys over the Albacora Leste, Roncador, Jubarte, Cachalote and Golfinho fields, offshore Brazil.
In direct competition with other high-end seismic acquisition technology, PGS’ HD3D technology will be applied in five of eight fields that were tendered. These contracts also include the provision of seismic data processing services.
These 4D projects, covering over 1,600 square kilometers, will provide new HD3D baseline surveys for future monitoring of changes in reservoir behavior, particularly the movement of hydrocarbon fluids. A Ramform vessel, towing twelve 6000-meter cables at 50- meter cable separation will conduct the surveys in streamer overlap mode, acquiring data that will be 64 times denser than conventional Offshore Brazil surveys.
PGS’ HD3D technology was chosen for these baseline surveys because of the repeatability that high-density overlapped streamer designs provide and for the high-resolution, high signal-to-noise data needed for detailed reservoir studies. These surveys will allow the Company to map the major flow units, barriers and fault seals early in the life of its recent deepwater discoveries in Jubarte, Cachalote and Golfinho and increase recoverable reserves for the producing Albacora Leste and Roncador fields.
“The high trace density, uniform wavefield sampling, repeatable source-receiver azimuths, and resultant optimum data processing of HD3D surveys provide the ideal solution for time lapse reservoir monitoring,” said Magne Reiersgard, President of PGS’ Marine Geophysical NSA business unit. “Our Ram form vessels and their inherent price performance advantage compared to competing technologies played a major role in PGS being awarded these surveys.”

Posted by Alexander Lindsay, Editor Pipeline Magazine
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