Sabic Agreements for expanding production capacity
Posted: 03 November 2004
Sabic Metals has signed 4 agreements with companies to build new production plants for flat steel at its Hadeed affiliate in Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia.
Sabic Vice Chairman and CEO, Mohamed Al-Mady, said: “These agreements and expansions represent part of SABIC’s strategic plan to meet the market’s growing demands and improve its position worldwide.
“Since SABIC Metals’ formation, it has continuously endeavored to increase its plant capacity and diversify its range of products.
“In 2003 its capacity reached 3.9 metric tonnes of long and flat steel products. Upon completion of this new expansion program by 2006, annual production will rise to 5.5 million metric tones of long and flat steel products”.
SABIC Metals has signed 4 agreements:
Firstly with Saudi Voest-Alpina;
Second with a consortium with Austrian Voest-Alpina and Matrix Technologies. These two are for construction of a facility to expand production of direct reduced steel by 1.7 million metric tones annually;
Third a consortium with Saudi Voest-Alpina and Saudi Siemens;
Fourth a consortium with Austrian Voest-Alpina and Siemens Germany. These two are for the construction of a steel production plant with electric furnace with an annual production capacity of 1.4 metric tonnes. There will also be a continuous casting machinery steel production plant. This will produce 1.2 million metric tonnes of steel slabs.

Posted by Alexander Lindsay, Editor Pipeline Magazine
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