Alba Line 5 power project achieves energisation milestone
Posted: 10 November 2004
Alba’s Line 5 Power Project marked a major milestone today with the energisation of the 220kV switchgear system from the Alba 132kV system. The first energisation of this switchgear is a major milestone for the Line 5 project as it enables power to be provided for start up and commissioning of the new Power Station and Potline 5 on schedule.
The 220kV network will be the point of connection and load transfer between the new Power Station 4, Line 5 Smelter, Alba’s 132kV system, 33kV system and Power stations 1 - 3 and will also interconnect with the MEW national grid.
“The 220kV switchgear is pivotal to the operation of Line 5, taking 650MW from the new Power Station 4, transferring over 500MW to the new Reduction line and providing the conduit for the exchange of power with our Power Station No 3 and the new Ministry of Electricity’s Hawar Sub-Station” said Niall O’Byrne, General Manager for the Line 5 Expansion Project.
“We are delighted to achieve this milestone which has been made possible by the continuous support of Alba’s power operations and maintenance teams and we look forward to the next major event when we accept power from the new gas turbine GT52“ said Ian McKenzie, Alba’s Area Manager for the Line 5 Power Distribution System.
The 220kV Gas Insulated switchgear equipment is supplied by Japan AE Power. ETA from Dubai is the main contractor for the Power Distribution System and is responsible for the design and installation works. Bahrain Contractor AMA is responsible for the Building and civil construction works. Mott MacDonald from UK is the consultant to Alba responsible for engineering management and site supervision of the installation.

Posted by Alexander Lindsay, Editor Pipeline Magazine
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