Schlumberger, Seabed Data Model selected for electronic government project
Posted: 24 November 2004
Schlumberger Information Solutions (SIS) said that the Offshore Minerals Management (OMM), a division of the United States Department of Interior Minerals Management Service (MMS), has selected SIS information and data management applications as the foundation components of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Connect Project.
John L. Price, project manager, OCS Connect, announced at the 2004 Petrotechnical Open Standards Consortium annual members’ meeting and conference that OMM will employ the SIS Seabed exploration and production (E&P) data model and database as part of the OCS Connect Project.
The OCS Connect Project is a phased, multiyear, electronic government (e-Government) transformation of the OMM program. The project aims to improve core operational processes of the OMM program, which includes replacement of legacy information management tools with state-of-the-art commercial products. These will help to meet the needs of the stakeholder and user communities such as federal, state and local government; private industry; the scientific community; international agencies; and the general public. Key benefits will include faster processing, improved sharing capabilities and secure Web access.
“The Minerals Management Service fulfills a critical role in managing the oil and gas resources of the United States,” said Kjell-Erik Ostdahl, president, SIS. “It has a tremendous responsibility to the public, government and the industry. We are therefore particularly pleased that SIS has been selected to provide the next generation of information management technology solutions, enabling the e-government transformation, which will have positive, tangible effects on their critical operations.”
Incorporating the latest relational database technologies, the Seabed model is a groundbreaking E&P data model for the management of all data related to the exploration and development of hydrocarbons. The model uses unique, advanced methods for managing the data across diverse repositories, applications and domains, incorporating high security features and entitlements. The design ensures that previously costly and complicated database migrations and upgrades are seamless operations.

Posted by Alexander Lindsay, Editor Pipeline Magazine
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