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Shell to participate in an integrated field study in Iraq

Posted: 19 January 2005

The Ministry of Oil in Iraq has awarded a contract for the execution of an integrated reservoir study for the Kirkuk field to Exploration Consultants Limited (ECL). Shell Exploration Company has offered to the Ministry of Oil support for the implementation of this study. Consequently, Shell and the Ministry of Oil have signed a Letter of Understanding (LoU) to that effect.

Shell's technical assistance will bring its extensive experience with production from mature fields, and field developments and operations in the Middle East . The study will be conducted outside Iraq , and is expected to take about one year.

Gavin Graham, Director New Business Development, for Shell Exploration and Production in the Middle East, said, “Shell's participation in the Kirkuk study is part of a broad programme of assistance to the Iraqi energy industry in areas in which its leaders have identified the industry's greatest needs. Shell's contribution to the study, which will improve the understanding and reservoir management of the Kirkuk field, is in line with our continued commitment to supporting the Iraqi oil industry, and establishing a material and enduring presence in the country.”

In addition to the Kirkuk study, Shell is providing comprehensive training and development opportunities for Iraqi energy industry professionals to enhance skills and competencies and to increase exposure to modern practices and technology applications.

The company also supports a joint training effort between the Ministry of Oil of Iraq , UK government agencies, companies and academia, as well as providing international scholarships at post-graduate level, so that Iraqi professionals can enhance their skills and gain international experience for the benefit of Iraq .

It is also cooperating with the Ministry of Oil on a Gas Master Plan study. In addition to providing the Plan itself, this joint study will enable the Iraqi Ministry of Oil to make long-term strategic decisions in gas planning and marketing to optimise gas production and utilisation.

Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine

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