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Labtech celebrates success with expansion

Posted: 19 January 2005

A worldwide rise in demand for its high quality modules has led to successful engineering specialist to the oil and gas industry, Labtech Modular Engineering, increasing its hire fleet by investing £180,000 to create three specially designed cabins.

The cabins bring the total number in Labtech’s hire fleet to more than 40 and reflect the company’s ongoing growth strategy. Built to the latest Norwegian design and safety standards - the highest standards in the world - the cabins are suitable for use in any international location and are on long term hire with key clients in West Africa and the Danish sector of the North Sea .

Labtech is currently enjoying its most successful business year for seven years and is committed to a programme of enhancing its activity in the world’s main oil and gas centres by successfully increasing its development of overseas business.

Labtech Managing Director Jim Manson said,” This has been a good year for us and the increase in size of our hire fleet reflects the growing demand internationally for hire cabins generally and our products specifically.

“By building our hire modules to the latest Norwegian standards, which are increasingly being adopted by other oil and gas producing countries as the ultimate industry standards, they can be deployed worldwide rather than be limited to use in specific areas.

"The growth of our hire fleet represents an excellent opportunity for those operators who require modules but do not want to tie themselves up in the capital costs of purchase.”

Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine

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