Pipeline rehab and maintenance conference
Posted: 02 February 2005
Representatives of oil, gas, water and related industries will participate in a Pipeline Rehabilitation and Maintenance Conference, which begins at the Diplomat Radisson SAS on January 31.
The event, which goes on until Wednesday, is being held under the patronage of Oil Minister Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa. The event will be opened with a keynote address by Oil Ministry Under-Secretary Mohammed Saleh Shaikh Ali.
It is being organised by a steering committee consisting of representatives from Bapco, German-based NDT Systems and Services, Hungary-based Corrocont Group, UAE-based ADNOC, UK-based Penspen Andrew Palmer, US-based Incal Pipeline Rehabilitation, Saudi Aramco, US-based Oil and Gas Journal and German-based Ruhrgas.
The conference will cover a variety of topics including diagnostics and repair of corrosion damage, new inspection technologies, pipeline rehabilitation planning, underwater repair and others.
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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