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Labtech Secures £300,000 Contract With Petroservices

Posted: 09 February 2005

Aberdeen-based engineering specialist to the oil and gas industry, Labtech Modular Engineering, has secured a four-month contract worth more than £300,000 with PetroServices in Germany to supply four mud logging cabins to Pakistan.

Labtech, which is recognised as a specialist in the design, manufacture, repair, refurbishment and hire of high quality containerised and skid mounted modules and welding habitats, has been assigned to design and manufacture three A0 fire rated mud logging cabins and one A60 fire rated mud logging cabin.

The cabins, which are to be completed in 16 weeks, will be fitted with a specially designed system to prevent the entry of potentially explosive gases during normal operations. The cabin interiors are fitted with smoke and gas detectors, and standard electrical equipment is instantly shut down on detection of smoke, gas or loss of pressure. The bespoke cabins are also fitted with a fume cupboard and chemical storage units.

Three of the cabins are destined for land-baseabin is destine d for an offshore location in Pakistan. Nabil Nashed, Petroservices d istrict and general manager said: “Labtech’s expertise in the design and manufacture of mud logging cabins was a key factor in awarding the contract to them, as well as trding the contract to them, as well as their open and approachable relationship with Petroservices.”

Labtech managing director Jim Manson said: “We are committed to providing our clients with the highest standard of cabins for use in the world’s major oil and gas regions. Our experience in fire rated mud logging modules and the input of specialist equipment has enabled ourselves and Petroservices to work together to build the cabins.”

Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine

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