Shell Response To The Tsunami Disaster
Posted: 16 February 2005
Shell has long-standing links with the region, and has major established businesses and thousands of employees in the countries worst hit by the tsunami. Given the extent and scale of the disaster, we are thankful that no Shell people lost their lives. Nevertheless, some Shell colleagues lost family members, friends and homes, and some had to be rescued from the waters. We have been making sure their immediate needs have been taken care of, and are helping them recover from this disaster.
There has been relatively little impact on our operations, and we were able to focus on the continuing supply of essential fuels and products to the affected areas, and providing immediate support to local communities.
Soon after the disaster, Shell announced a commitment of $3 million to disaster relief work: $2 million from Group funds and $1 million from Shell company donations and contributions from around the world. Much of this latter funding was expected to come from Shell schemes that would match employee donations.
The generosity of Shell companies and employees across the globe has exceeded our expectations. Shell companies and staff in over 40 countries have been contributing to the disaster relief, often through schemes that match staff donations, and the total commitment by Shell companies to date is now $5 million.
- Of the total Shell commitment, $2 million has come from the Group support for disaster-relief activity in the worst affected countries of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and Malaysia. Cheques have been handed over to the main disaster-relief funds or aid organisations.
- The remaining $3 million has come from Shell companies around the world. Some of this has been through donations to aid organisations. In some cases, Shell companies have made a contribution based on fuel sales; in others, Shell has made contributions that match or exceed donations made by employees.
- These figures do not include the individual donations that have been made by thousands of Shell employees around the world, either by pledging sums of money or a day's salary. Those matched to date amount to $1.4 million. We thank them all for their generosity.
- Shell companies have also contributed to the disaster relief work in practical ways, including free fuel for rescue work, bottled water, water tanks and medical supplies. Shell Aviation has provided around $50,000 in relief support for fuel plus many additional operation hours to ensure quick fuel turnarounds for relief operations.
Although many of these donations and programmes are now coming to an end, not all the returns have yet been received, so the ultimate benefits will be still greater.
In the longer term, we are continuing to explore how Shell can continue to be involved in, for example, livelihood restoration and other support work in affected countries.
It has been gratifying to see how Shell companies and individuals have responded so rapidly and generously to assist those who have suffered loss, and who will continue to face a difficult future as a result of this disaster. We hope that our efforts will go at least a small way towards easing their plight.
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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