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ENOC Commended At Gulf Marketing Awards

Posted: 23 February 2005

Emirates Petroleum Products Company (EPPCO) LLC has won the “Highly Commended” trophy in the Brand Alliance category at the Gulf Marketing Review (GMR) Marketing Effectiveness Awards.

EPPCO, a subsidiary of the Dubai Government-owned Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC) LLC, took the award for its partnership with ABN -Amro and American Express credit cards, and its alliance with the Al Maha Petroleum Retail Network in Oman .

The annual GMR awards aim to recognise marketing excellence, build industry understanding and help individuals and organisations improve the quality of their marketing performance.

Hussain Sultan, Group Chief Executive and Board Member, ENOC, said: “As the Energy Partner of Choice, we believe that cooperation with other businesses is vital to success, and we have always supported working in partnership to benefit our customers and the community.

“This trophy is a welcome recognition of our efforts to provide value-added products and services.”

In October 2004, a new payments system allowing customers to settle their American Express and ABN-Amro accounts was launched at each of the Group’s 166 service station convenience stores across Dubai and the Northern Emirates. The success of the initiative has led to American Express, which has one of the highest customer bases worldwide, and ABN-Amro, the world’s highest spend card with high net worth customer base, looking to roll out the scheme worldwide.

“When we introduced this service last year, we passed a milestone in ENOC/EPPCO’s history of customer service provision,” said Sultan. “The tie-up with ABN-Amro and American Express means we can provide round-the-clock convenience for our customers.

“This pioneering venture saves our customers time by enabling them to avoid queues at banks or other outlets by paying their bills while shopping at our stores.”

ENOC and EPPCO were also praised for the cards cross-acceptance scheme with the Al Maha Petroleum Retail Network. Implemented in March 2004, Al Maha customers are able to use Smart Fuel Cards and e-rial Cards at any ENOC/EPPCO service station in the UAE. The Group’s Cash Plus cards and Select Plus cards are similarly accepted at all of the Al Maha service stations across Oman .

“This partnership brought customers convenience across borders. ENOC/EPPCO customers benefit from our services even when they are abroad. From April to October 2004, Al Maha saw an increase of 338% in transactions in the UAE. The results speak for themselves,” added Sultan.

Both initiatives were promoted in the media and with in-store marketing across the Group’s extensive service station network.

The Group was also shortlisted for the Integrated Marketing Communications category for its Mega Chainsaw Promotion, with weekly draws held throughout May last year, and for the Government/Semi-government Marketing category for its Dubai Shopping Festival 2004 ‘Out of This World’ offering.

Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine

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