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Halliburton Successfully Completes 8-Inch Geotap Formation Pressure Tests In Norway And Gulf Of Mexico

Posted: 02 March 2005

Halliburton's Sperry Drilling Services product service line continues to lead the industry with its GeoTap while-drilling formation pressure tester, an integral part of its Stellar formation evaluation suite. The GeoTap formation pressure tester allows drilling engineers, reservoir engineers and petrophysicists to acquire fast and accurate pressure measurements to make timely decisions. The 6¾-inch GeoTap LWD (logging-while-drilling) sensor was the first commercially available pad/probe while-drilling formation pressure tester for 8½-inch to 10 5/8-inch hole sizes; now the 8-inch GeoTap sensor has successfully performed pressure tests for Statoil in Norway and Unocal in the Gulf of Mexico

"The GeoTap tester technology continues to exceed expectations," said Brady Murphy, Halliburton, Sperry Drilling Services vice president. "We're seeing excellent results and learning that a true formation pressure measurement during the drilling phase can be more meaningful than conventional wireline pressure testing. Customers around the world are delighted at the potential this offers."

Statoil's Tordis/Vigdis team successfully utilized the 8-inch formation pressure tester, becoming the first in Norway to measure formation pressure while drilling in a 12¼-inch x 13½-inch section. More than a dozen pressures were taken allowing the operator to make fast and accurate decisions regarding the testing program while at the same time communicating reservoir data up hole.

"We need to have early information about communication in the reservoir. This LWD formation pressure technology allows us to gain valuable pressure information in complicated well paths during the drilling process. In addition, this should give useful information about the reservoir development. Formation pressure while drilling is of great importance, especially in production drilling environments," added Jostein Teigland, geologist, and Laura Scandellari Nilsen, petrophysicist, both on the Statoil Tordis/Vigdis team.

The first successful 8-inch GeoTap tester job in the Gulf of Mexico was completed for Unocal in deep water from the Drillship Discover Spirit at Mississippi Canyon block 941. The GeoTap formation pressure tester successfully took five pore pressure measurements in five attempts. All pressure points were tested while circulating, which was made possible through the use of the Geo-Span real-time, two-way communication downlink system.

The GeoTap LWD formation tester obtains direct pore pressure as the well is drilled, with accuracy and precision comparable to that of wireline formation testers. Real-time pressure data are transmitted from the tool to surface via the mud column and also recorded to memory for more detailed analysis. The device allows for multiple tests to be performed in a single drilling run.

Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine

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