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Hydro participation in Danish oil discovery

Posted: 02 March 2005

Drilling of the appraisal well Hejre-2 on licence 5/98 on the Danish Continental Shelf has been completed, and the presence of oil in Jurassic age sandstone confirmed. Hydro holds a 25 percent stake in the Hejre field.

The oil deposit, which lies in Jurassic sandstone at high pressure and temperature, was discovered when drilling Hejre-1 in 2001.

Hejre-2 was drilled vertically, 1.1 kilometres north-east of Hejre-1, and completed at 5,399 metres depth from sea-level in pre-Jurassic layers. Drill rig ENSCO 101 undertook this operation.

Drilling confirmed the presence of oil in Jurassic sandstone. During trial production at favourable production rates, oil and associated gas were produced. The Hejre-2 results will now be further evaluated, before a decision can be taken as to possible development and production on Hejre.

Drilling work on Hejre-2 started up on 2 November 2004 at coordinates 56°14'45.28" N and 03°59'01.50" Ø, where water depth is 68 metres. The well has now been permanently plugged.

Partners in licence 5/98:

ConocoPhillips (operator)

30 %


25 %


25 %

DONG Efterforskning og Produktion

20 %

Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine

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