Get in the Digital Zone at OE 2005
Posted: 09 March 2005
Following its impressive debut at OE 2003, the innovative Real Time Zone (RTZ) feature has now evolved into the Digital Energy Zone (DEZ). This will once again offer attendees a fascinating extra attraction at this year’s premier upstream event, OE 2005.
The DEZ is a natural development of the Real Time theme from the 2003 show and will showcase how today’s oil industry workforce can operate and monitor fields remotely and also acquire and access data via sophisticated digital technology. As the upstream industry moves towards the next generation oilfield, this technology enables executives and engineers to make better decisions in a shorter timeframe, therefore keeping budgets under tighter control.
The increasing use of Remote Operations technology is a growing global trend. Many operators in the North Sea , and also around the world, have gained valuable experience by producing from fields in mature basins – where the old saying that ‘necessity is the mother of invention’ really does ring true.
Maintaining production levels and extending tail-end field output constantly throws up new challenges and operators are always looking for new technology to keep fields commercially viable. The DEZ focuses on these needs and illustrates the technology on offer to companies that can both sustain production and enhance field life, making it a ‘must see’ attraction at OE 2005.
Raising Output/Lowering Costs
Using the many advanced technologies associated within the Remote Operations sector can increase the chance of drilling in the correct places, thus reducing the number off dry wells and maximising ultimate hydrocarbon recovery.
In turn, this will help reduce capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operating expenditure (OPEX), as well as cutting NPT in drilling and improving safety through early warning mechanisms and the need for fewer personnel offshore.
Following the resounding success of the RTZ at OE 2003, this dedicated technology area has evolved into the Digital Energy Zone to reflect the broader range of technology that is helping to drive the web-enabled digital oilfield. This ‘show within a show’ will include technologies that offer something for everyone interested in the benefits of modern field operations.
Enhancing Mature Basin Field Life
Nik Rudge, Project Director, OE 2005, commented: “One of the most exciting innovations at OE 2003 was the Real Time Zone and the Digital Energy Zone is a natural progression from this. In conjunction with the overall event theme of "Managing Mature Production: A Global Challenge", the DEZ will specifically address the technology that will be instrumental in increasing the life of mature basins around the world and optimising their production.”
Rudge added: “Oil and gas companies want to see the benefits and possibilities that the implementation of digital technologies offers and this will be available in the DEZ. Once again OE has been pro-active to reflect the industry’s evolution and continues to offer new and exciting features for visitors in order to maximise the return on their investment and the return on their time.”
Remote Operations – what it really means
Nearly all oil companies are focused on creating the next generation oil field. This will utilise intelligent well technology, cutting edge seismic services, oil and gas reservoir visualisation and management techniques, subsurface well surveillance capabilities, communications, increased process plant automation and Internet-enabled interfaces. All run within a remotely operated, digital oilfield environment that can be run live and online.
The DEZ will be ideally located in the Boyd Orr Hall to tie in closely with the conference area.
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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